Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : Figure drawing


Inktober – Days 23-25 Felt like doing some life drawing. Found some stock reference photos and sketched. Out of my…

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Seated figure

Seated figure

Inktober – Day 17

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Day 16 – Hand study

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Inktober Day 15 – Random people standing at the bus stop opposite me. 🙂

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I’m starting my new fine art project. The early stages are brushing up on my anatomy and watercolour skills, which…

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Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

Life drawing sketches from a while back – trying to unearth them all. 🙂

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Figure drawing

Figure drawing

Life drawing sketches from a while back – trying to unearth them all.

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Figure drawing

Figure drawing

Life drawing sketches from a while back – trying to unearth them all.

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Figure drawing

Figure drawing

Life drawing sketches from a while back – trying to unearth them all.

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Figure drawing

Figure drawing

Something I just found. From a way back. 🙂

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