Learning Designer and Illustrator

The Aus ComX show

Category : Comics, Fun!, Ramblings · No Comments · by Oct 5th, 2022

Honoured to be interviewed by the good people at ComX studios.
I got to talk about Deathship Jenny, Liff, Supanova fun and everything that got me to this point. 🙂


Category : Comics, Ramblings · No Comments · by Sep 16th, 2022

I’m talking a lot lately to Shane, one of the main people (if not THE person) behind the supercool ComX.

Great fellah, providing all sorts of support for indie comic artists, including a new place to sell Deathship Jenny!

I now have a profile here: https://comx.net.au/talent/rob-oconnor/

And you can now buy DSJ and a whole buncha other cool Aussie comics from here: https://comx.shop/product-category/independent/deathship-jenny

Check it out!

TooCon news report

Category : Comics, Fun!, Ramblings, Sketches · No Comments · by Aug 29th, 2018

Here’s a report on TooCon by WIN News Toowoomba.

I get a cameo and say words and stuff! Somehow, full sentences were strung together.

DSJ4 – Production begins

Category : Comics, Ramblings · No Comments · by Mar 18th, 2018

So… production on Issue 4 has officially started. Woohoo!
Life’s beyond hectic right now, so it’d be pointless to give an eta – later this year is the best I can give. I’ll keep you posted! 😃🖊😃

Liff, the ACA & Inkspot

Category : Comics, Ramblings · No Comments · by Apr 9th, 2014
Liff, the ACA & Inkspot

A while back I was asked to write an article about my comic Liff for Inkspot, the official magazine of the Australian Cartoonists…

Gold Coast Supanova – The Square Peg Stall

Category : Comics, Ramblings · (1) Comment · by Apr 6th, 2014

So the Gold Coast Supanova has been and gone for another year. This time , however, I participated in the Square Peg stall with Dave writer Stewart Cook and Robert Hall, who contributed with Stewart on another title Nexus Point. We also shared the space with OzComics and Killeroo creator Darren Close and artist Emmanuel Hernaez.

I had a fine weekend meeting these gentlemen. I had nothing to sell per sē, but I got to sit, watch the cosplayers go by, meet a fair few industry types and draw for a weekend! Quite fine for the first time around.


Setting up.

L to R: Stewart, Robert, Emmanuel, Darren


First time I saw the poster. Never seen my stuff so large!



General mucking around. Photos via friends.


Drinks gathering held by the fine fellow at Kings Comics.


The view from my unit. Nice!


A final promo shot for Stewart to use at future conventions!




Category : Ramblings · No Comments · by Nov 30th, 2013

Today’s been the launch party of the blog. Some mighty fine people have been saying some mighty fine things. Thanks everyone!

Have a good look through. I hope you like what you see.

I want to use it to put all my projects old and new. I’ll try to update it as regularly as I can. As they say: watch this space! 🙂

blog banner

I’ve branched into merchandising now, apparently…

Category : Ramblings · No Comments · by Nov 26th, 2013

7548079_7106875-bagtote16_b 7568418_13452909-mugs11_b 7569268_4855287-frm715bl01_b 7568225_15790111-tsrmw120_b

Rob’s idea of enterprise is the ship that Captain Kirk flies in.

Someone very business-minded once described me in this way. I was angry at first but… well… he’s right. I’m not in this world to make a buck.

Having said that, a few people have asked for my art on posters and t-shirts and such. I’m extremely chuffed by that. Thank you!

Because of that, I’ve done this:

society6-logoSociety6 is a nifty place that turns your art into merch. I get a wee bit of money back though, naturally, not enough to quit my day job (I could buy an ice cream from the local shop though). 😉

Click on Buy Prints at the top of the page and you can get some of my stuff for yourself. Hurrah!

If there’s something you see on my site that you’d like added, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Not everything will translate because of file size issues and such, but I’ll do my best.

That’s it really. Back to the usual fun!
