Learning Designer and Illustrator

Inktober 2022

Category : Fun!, Inspiration, SketchesNo Comments 路 by Oct 31st, 2022

tbh I was doing it this year to force myself to draw. I pretty much haven’t drawn since last Inktober which, for me, was the driest spell I’ve ever had.
So I approached this with a little more gusto than previous years.
I also set myself the challenge of drawing no pop culture references.


Category : Comics, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Apr 8th, 2019

… or Captain Marvel, depending on your point of view.

For the OzComics Challenge. I fully admit to heavily referencing classic comic covers for this one. A character here, a logo there. I try not to (especially other people’s artwork), but I did it here, with no apologies. Their work is so good and I wanted to honour that! 馃檪



Category : Fine art, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Jan 11th, 2016



Design Notes by Glen Keane

Category : InspirationNo Comments 路 by Jan 2nd, 2015



Neil Gaiman

Category : Comics, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Nov 1st, 2014
Neil Gaiman

Inktober – Day 28

Douglas Adams

Category : Comics, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Nov 1st, 2014
Douglas Adams

Inktober – Day 27

Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

Category : Comics, Fun!, Inspiration, Sketches(2) Comments 路 by Apr 7th, 2014
Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

To pass away the time, to draw in the punters and, well, because it’s a fun thing to do: drawing…

Ray Harryhausen

Category : Comics, InspirationNo Comments 路 by May 8th, 2013

Vale Ray Harryhausen. One of my few idols I’ve actually met and had a good long chat with. That say you should never meet your heroes – untrue, in this case. He was a very charming man who seemed genuinely happy to hang out with animator types at the beginning of their careers and talk shop over a beer or two. Brilliance.

Here’s a comic I made about it, way back when for h2g2.com. Forgive the use of Comic Sans. They were simpler times.


Gold Coast Supanova!

Category : Fun!, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Apr 21st, 2013
Gold Coast Supanova!

It was a grand day. Fantastic fun and fabulous people! Was there with friends Pete and Matt. Pete shouted Matt…

Killeroo: In the post!

Category : Comics, Fun!, InspirationNo Comments 路 by Feb 13th, 2013

Always great to come home to find new stuff!

A copy of an earlier Killeroo聽story and a hand drawn post pack, thanks to creator Darren Close!
