Learning Designer and Illustrator

Doctors 1 to 4

Category : Comics ยท by Nov 21st, 2013

Finished! This was the last stage of trying to draw all of the Doctors.

Doctor Who 1-4


Here are the individual pics:

Tom Baker is still my favourite Doctor and suffers from a special kind of madness. I hope I captured it. ๐Ÿ˜€

04_Tom Baker

Jon Pertwee is fantastic too. It was a shame to put him in the background for the group shot. The things you have to do for a layout! ๐Ÿ˜‰

03_Jon Pertwee

Patrick Troughton is great too (I sound like a broken record now). Very happy with this portrait.

02_Patrick Troughton

And finishing with the First, William Hartnell. Fingers are a bit wonky, but I’m happy with his face. ๐Ÿ™‚

01_William Hartnell

So there they are! Hope you like them.


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