To pass away the time, to draw in the punters and, well, because it’s a fun thing to do: drawing happened. A lot of it. Here are the ones that I produced.
Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman.
Smiling Batman.
Dave: Zombie Hunter (naturally)
A request from Darren: to draw Rufus (Killeroo) and Dave battling. I thought it more fitting that they teamed up. 🙂
Captain America (for this week’s OzComics Challenge).
Things got a bit slow on Sunday, so I drew the Adventure Time crew to see if it would attract attention. It did (a little), but then they promptly left without opening their wallets. Curses!
The last two pictures here are team mash ups.
L to R
Poison Ivy by Emmanuel Hernaez
Two Face by myself
Bane by Darren Close
The Joker by Stewart Cook
Harley Quinn by Robert Hall
L to R
Killeroo by Stewart Cook
Killeroo by Darren Close (still inking at the time of the photo)
Killeroo by Robert Hall
Killeroo by myself
… and finally, an awesome rendition of Dave by Matt Hall, aged 8!
11 years ago ·
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11 years ago ·
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