Learning Designer and Illustrator

Doctors 9 to 11 …and ‘War’

Category : Comics · by Nov 20th, 2013

Trying to draw all of the Doctors this week.

Here are the last 4 (if you include John Hurt’s War Doctor).

Doctor Who 9-12

Here are the individual pics:

Matt Smith I’m very happy with. Glad it started well.

Matt Smith I’m very happy with. Glad it started well.

David Tennant I’m also happy with (though I’m sure the ladies will say he’s not handsome enough). 😉

 David Tennant I’m also happy with (though I’m sure the ladies will say he’s not handsome enough ;-) )

Christopher Eccleston has a very odd shaped head, which I’ve tried to capture here (though I probably haven’t gone far enough). Those ears! 🙂

 Christopher Eccleston has a very odd shaped head, which I’ve tried to capture here (though I probably haven’t gone far enough). Those ears! :-D

John Hurt aka The War Doctor. I think the eyes could be better but, on the whole, I’m okay with it.

John Hurt aka The War Doctor. Not the greatest, but I’m okay with that.


More to come!


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