Learning Designer and Illustrator

Dave is taking shape

Category : Comics ยท by Apr 25th, 2013

7 pages down, 24 pages to go

Stewart’s put a post up on Square Peg’s Tumblr page announcing to all that the comic is in production.

We’ve agreed that both parts of the story should be in one volume (it’s been too long since the first one was published and, well, it’s one story). It will also include another story, which explains how the zombie apocalypse started in the first place.

But I’m creating the cover for the full volume! This is equally awesome and scary. LOL ๐Ÿ˜€

Here are a couple of the pages that he’s included in the post.

Warning: Like I’ve said before, there’s something to offend everyone in this comic. Avert your eyes if you don’t care for c bombs and urine jokes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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